Professor’s Modified Procedure Streamlines Winemaking

Before harvesting, winemakers give their grape crops "checkups" to ensure that acid levels are just right for picking. Among the tests administered are titratable acidity (TA titration) and yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN), which both give winemakers an idea of how successful fermentation will be. Both tests require time and two separate samples for analysis. Dr. Barry Gump, Harvey R. Chaplin Eminent Scholar’s Chair and professor of Beverage Management, has recently developed a modified procedure that combines both tests into one that uses a single sample of grape or juice. With implementation of Dr. Gump's new method, winemakers will experience significant savings in operational time because analysis happens only once. To learn more about Dr. Gump's research into the "Combined Titrametric Analysis of TA and YAN", visit the website.