Professor Jinlin Zhao Confirmed as Fulbright Scholar

Dr. Jinlin Zhao, professor of hospitality and tourism management and director of graduate programs at the Chaplin School, received a Fulbright Scholar grant to teach and research at the University College of Northern Denmark. "As a recipient of the Fulbright Specialist Grant, I am honored to represent the U.S. as a scholar to overseas institutions," Dr. Zhao said. Dr. Zhao's career exemplifies his dedication to serving the learning community at FIU and enhancing efforts in international scholarship and collaboration. Since joining FIU nearly 16 years ago, Dr. Zhao has worked to further the mission of the Chaplin School in his U.S. classrooms and abroad. He has given more than 70 presentations at international conferences, engaged in consulting activities in China, recruited and trained foodservice employees during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, taught as visiting professor and trainer at several institutions in China, Taiwan, and Japan, and, in 2015, he was named as Overseas Master by the Shanghai Education Commission. Dr. Zhao also contributed to establishing FIU's Marriott Tianjin China Program at the Tianjin University of Commerce in Tianjin, China where many of the program's faculty are his former students. While at the University College of Northern Denmark, Dr. Zhao will give lectures on strategic management in the global hospitality and tourism management industries, lead seminars on attracting Chinese tourists, and consult with administrators and other scholars on applied research and the development of academic curricula for hospitality education. The Fulbright Scholar Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Through its Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), the Fulbright Scholar Program invites approximately 800 U.S. faculty and professionals each year to 140 countries to lecture, teach, and conduct research. Photo: Dr. Zhao in his office at FIU's Chaplin School on the Biscayne Bay [...]