Powerful Impressions: Institute’s Culinary Arts Academy Student to Begin Academic Career at FIU

When Price Destinobles made the decision to apply to the Chaplin School's Institute for Hospitality & Tourism Education & Research's (IHTER) Culinary Arts Academy last fall, it was the result of his high school culinary arts teacher's urging. As a senior at North Miami Senior High School, Price and his teacher, Andre Franks, knew that he wanted to have a career that centered around food, but challenges in Price's young life made the path to his ultimate career goal uncertain. As a student in the Miami-Dade County Public School System, Price has been enrolled in the homeless assistance program (HAP), Project UP-START, which provides support and resources to homeless students in the district. While he had some support from extended family members and HAP, Price has, at one point, had to work two jobs to support himself. Never having a real-life example of what positive directions to take after high school, he knew that attending college was his only option. "Price took his background and made a decision to take a different route. His background has propelled him to strive for success," Mr. Franks said. Even while dealing with challenges out of the classroom, Price remained focused. He currently serves as president of the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project chapter for his school, plays basketball, and has participated in volleyball, ran cross country, and was also a member of the school's culinary club. Price's first encounter with FIU was with advisor Kaleena Salgueiro who was at his high school on a recruitment visit. "As she spoke, I listened and soaked everything she said in," Price recalls. Samantha Dahlia, program manager of the Culinary Arts Academy, was the next person he spoke with. She interviewed him for [...]